


2022年10月5日 | 新闻, 灾难的资源 | 0评论 | 返回|




除了飓风伊恩留下的大面积破坏之外, 风雨的破坏性影响也对佛罗里达州的柑橘产业造成了严重破坏.

雷·罗伊斯, 他是高地柑橘种植者协会的执行董事, has heard from more than a dozen citrus growers across the citrus growing region who are reporting between 15% to 80% of their fruit has falling. 在一些地方, those losses could be even higher as flood waters are stubborn to return to lakes and streams and threaten to kill trees.   

受飓风伊恩影响最严重的树林似乎在波尔克南部, 夏洛特, 德索托, 荷迪, 高地和海牛县, 他说,根据他周末与种植者的沟通. 

“I think what is important to say about the citrus is that damage will continue to show itself for months and years,罗伊斯说. “We’ve seen a lot of fruit hit the ground in recent days and more will hit the ground in the coming week and the stress on those trees will be felt for years.”  

就洪水而言, 风暴的东侧非常干燥,特别是沿高地山脊一带, 罗伊斯说.  

“但当你进入西部6686体育集团官网、哈迪县和德索托县时, 米亚卡河谷发生了巨大的洪水,他说. “It is my understanding a lot of groves in that area have been in deep water for five or six days now.”


马特Joyner, executive vice president and CEO of Citrus Mutual in Bartow said the winds in southern Polk County resulted in a 20% to 50% fruit drop. 然而, standing water is having a major impact in groves across Florida and it was too deep or dangerous for some growers to access their groves to perform damage assessments, 尤其是在阿卡迪亚河两岸和其他地方的果园里. 


He added orange trees can sustain damage after being submerged in flood waters for more than 72 hours as some are experiencing beyond the banks of the Peace River.  

“We just have a lot of growers in 德索托 County that cannot get out to assess damages because you have so much standing water, 道路封闭, 道路被冲毁, culverts washed out; and so along with a wind event, 这是一个巨大的水事件,给行业带来了很多问题,他说.  “真正的长期后果要过几周才能知道.”

阿卡迪亚地区, and 德索托 and 夏洛特 counties bore the brunt of inland winds with sustained wind speeds reportedly at 120 mph with gusts even higher. He said in this area the groves may have lost more than 80% of their fruit and this is a pocket with many growers reporting uprooted trees.

森. 佛罗里达州共和党议员马可·卢比奥(Marco Rubio)是该州柑橘产业的坚定支持者. 28 interview with CNN's Jake Tapper the citrus industry in Florida is already teetering on the brink because of citrus greening.

“如果他们失去了今年的收成和一堆树,你就不能重新开始,”他告诉塔珀. “这需要时间 ... 所以这对他们来说将是一个巨大的打击."  


柑橘类作物并不是唯一受损的商品. There are flooded cow pastures along the Arbuckle Creek area flowing from Polk County and feeding Lake Istokpoga further south, 罗伊斯说. Uprooted oak trees have smashed fences along pastures leaving cattle to stray and some cattle in flood waters that cannot be reached until waters recede. 

At least one produce grower reported his winter watermelon plants were thrashed about in the wind and plastic along the row crop torn asunder in Highlands County, 罗伊斯说.  

南部, 基因麦卡沃伊, 农业顾问和佛罗里达大学退休研究员, “伊恩”造成的破坏不同于“厄玛”,但破坏范围很广.  

“这种水果在佛罗里达州西南部的亨德利随处可见, 贫民区和科利尔街,麦卡沃伊说, 谁有50年的务农经验. He said vegetables fared well compared to Hurricane Irma which stripped the fields of plastic coverings and plants. 这次大部分塑料都留在了佛罗里达州西南部. 

“我们进行了喷砂,一些植物必须重新种植,”麦卡沃伊说. “It will impact yields in the long run and increase cost because growers will have to spray more fungicides and things like that because these plants are now more susceptible to disease because they are injured. 但不是像厄玛那样的灾难性损失.”  

麦卡沃伊说 standing water was not seen at the same levels in the southwest agricultural region because four to five inches of rain fell compared to more than a foot or more of rain in areas further north.  

“我们没有大范围的洪水,他说, 在他视察过的地区,西南部的降雨可以通过水泵来控制. 


周一,他站在李县的一片柑橘林中, McAvoy observed between 10% to 20% of groves suffered tree damage and there was between 30% to 70% of fruit drop.  

接近成熟的品种损失最大. 通常在生长季节早期收获的哈姆林橙子受到的打击最严重, 瓦伦西亚橙子附着在茎上的比例更高, 他说. 

麦卡沃伊说,在Glades地区,亨德利县的甘蔗被吹成一个角度. 那种作物在生长过程中可以挺直到一定程度, 但是一定比例的倾斜秸秆会丢失,因为它会被收割机漏掉.  

About 50% of sensitive crops such as green beans that cannot take a lot of wind and water will need to be replanted, 麦卡沃伊说. 在李县海岸外的松树岛等种植区, 哪个被含盐的风暴潮覆盖, mango and tropical fruit growers were devastated and potentially wiped out for decades as the soil will take years of rain water to flush out the salt and once again support agriculture. 


在希尔斯堡县的愿望农场, the fourth-generation strawberry farmers also felt impacts but considered their fate mild compared to other agricultural businesses statewide.

“与其他人相比,我们的情况相形见绌,尼克·维什纳茨基说, 种植者的公关经理在一份声明中说. 我们的草莓农场&海牛县杜埃特的D农场在飓风伊恩的风雨中遭受了一些破坏.”  

“幸运的是,我们推迟了播种,因为我们在等着看伊恩的路径,”声明继续说道. “大约10-15%的塑料床被撕开了, 有几块田地完全被水淹没了, 尘土被吹到田地里,改变了一些等级."  

“电力中断了,但周六早上恢复了,”Duette说. “要回到正轨,将会有额外的成本, 但我们预计11月佛罗里达的飓风季不会有任何重大延迟."  

根据佛罗里达大学食品和农业科学研究所的说法, the agriculture industry in Florida produces over 300 commodities from livestock and aquaculture to fruit and vegetable crops.

目前在地里的季节性作物有200多种,000英亩的新鲜市场蔬菜, 喜欢黄瓜, 辣椒和西红柿, 超过180,000英亩的干草和95,000英亩的大田作物, 喜欢甘蔗, 棉花和花生, UF/IFAS的官员说. Most of the land – over 3 million acres – is grazing land with livestock like beef and dairy cattle roam at least 70,000英亩. 

“碰巧是这样, that Hurricane Ian’s arrival coincides with the usual timeframe for plantings of most crops in the region,克丽斯塔·考特说, 佛罗里达大学经济学家兼佛罗里达大学/国际金融研究所经济影响分析项目主任. “现在收获的作物包括鳄梨, 橙子, 葡萄柚, 杨桃, 玉米, 花生和红薯.” 

Post-storm assessment surveys will be completed online or via paper by local Florida cooperative extension agents or producers themselves to capture impacts to production and sales revenues.   

“暴风雨过去之后, 评估损失可能不是一个快速的过程, 取决于电力和通讯中断, 由于洪水,进入农场和牧场的通道受到限制, 以及其他挑战,法院说. “其他影响可能只会长期出现, 包括受海岸风暴潮影响的土壤盐度等问题.”

“关键是每种商品, 每一个农场, 看到不同的影响, 即使是在同一地区,同一天气事件,她补充道. “我们的目标是尽可能多地获取信息, and that the information we collect can assist in their recovery and preparations for the next event.” 









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