

教育部奖励SFSC $ 500万STEM资助

2016年10月21日 | 新闻 | 0评论 | 返回|

10月21日, 2016年,南佛罗里达州立大学获得了近500万美元的奖学金, 美国政府的五年拨款.S. 教育部发起了一项高等教育科学, 技术, 工程, 和数学(STEM)项目,名为“重新设计我们的未来”.” This project will create educational opportunities for Hispanic and low-income students in the college’s service district of DeSoto, 荷迪, 和6686体育集团官网.


“SFSC很高兴也很荣幸能获得这项资助。. 托马斯·C. SFSC主席Leitzel说. “It is imperative to the economic health of our service district that we prepare our students for an increasingly high-tech world. A STEM education is critical as new and emerging jobs require expertise in these disciplines.  This grant has given us the means to strengthen our efforts in providing workforce skills that are essential in attracting advanced manufacturing industries to locate in the tri-county region.”


对于这个项目,学院将重点关注四个主要活动. They are to develop a high-tech degree pathway with transfer into the University of South Florida and Florida Polytechnic University, to improve pre-collegiate services to better prepare low-income Hispanic students for these programs, to improve college academic support and students services to better support low-income Hispanic college students, and to create a more culturally sensitive campus culture to increase student engagement and success at the college.


Funds from the grant will allow SFSC to create new degree programs in 工程 技术, 机电一体化, 生物医学科学. 机电一体化是机械工程的结合, 电气工程, 计算机控制, 和信息技术结合在一起设计“智能”产品, 比如机器人或传感器驱动的雨刷器. These high-tech degree pathways will make it easier for students to transfer directly into the biomedical science degree program at the University of South Florida and one of several 工程 programs at Florida Polytechnic University. 事实上, SFSC will be the first college to set up such an articulation agreement with Florida Polytechnic University.


SFSC工程技术, 机电一体化, 生物医学科学项目计划于2017年8月开始.


通过补助金, 价值100万美元的新车, state-of-the-art 技术 will support these programs as well as enhance the lab sciences courses at the 荷迪 and DeSoto campuses.  包括一系列机电一体化和工程特定的实验室设备. 生物医学科学项目将使用零下80度的冷冻室, 相差显微镜, 荧光显微镜, 照度计, 以及核磁共振光谱仪.


学院将派两名教员到柏林去, 德国, 一级和二级西门子机电培训和认证. Siemens is known for offering the gold standard of training in the field of 机电一体化. 


“This grant will enhance academic and support services for students seeking STEM degrees,” said Dr. 蒂莫西·怀斯是学生服务部主任,也是STEM资助项目的负责人.  “It will provide resources to hire specialists who will provide support who can assist students, 比如学术顾问, 招聘人员, 导师, 教练. 因为SFSC被认为是一个为西班牙裔服务的机构, 这笔赠款将使我们能够接触到学生和他们的家庭.“事实上,SFSC的学生人数是30人.6%西班牙裔.


资源 will expand SFSC’s campus-based services and support for Hispanic students. 例如, the college will produce Spanish language versions of key student services materials focused on graduation and transfer. The college will create a more culturally-sensitive institutional environment  through employee professional development sessions.


Because mathematics serves as a firm foundation in preparing students for STEM majors, a summer program called MathSteps will be available to recent high school graduates, 大学第一年的学生, 还有双录取学生. It will prepare students for college-level mathematics and all the way through pre-calculus, 如果需要.  


Other student support will be expanded tutoring opportunities for the college’s 荷迪 and Highlands campuses. Students will be able to participate in a residential program developed in conjunction with Florida Gulf Coast University so SFSC students can learn more about what 工程 students do. 因此,学生家庭可以了解更多关于大学第一年的知识, SFSC will create a Spanish language version of its new student orientation and develop an orientation specifically for parents of potential students.


SFSC将采用早期预警程序,以便教师, 教练, or support personnel can better identify students who are running into academic or personal stumbling blocks. Through the program, they can give students encouragement and help them get back on track.


Students who have graduated from SFSC and encounter the challenges of transition to a university will be able to rely upon Inside Track coaching for support. 这是全国公认的, distance-based coaching service assists students in navigating through the academic experience. 例如, 内部辅导可以指导他们完成财务援助过程, 课程的映射, 或辅导.


维持“再造未来”计划的发展势头, SFSC将启动250美元,与SFSC基金会的合作伙伴计划携手并进. Donations to the endowment would be matched one-to-one and used to support ongoing programs and student scholarships for Hispanic and low-income students.


“The ‘Re-Engineering Our Future’ project is a perfect example of how education and economic development can work together,” Dr. Leitzel说.





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